StuStaCulum 2023

Hello dear future helpers and welcome to the registration for helping with the StuStuCulum 2023.

Here you can sign up for the various jobs available for this festival. After completing the sign up process you will receive an email in which two links can be found:

1. A link verifying the validity of your email.
2. A private link giving you the possibility to edit your personal data or to sign off from the shift.

You can sign off from your duties you opted in for by 02.06.2023. If anything comes up afterwards (e.g. you get sick), please write us an email to That would really make our organisational efforts easier and is much appreciated.

As a helper you are entitled to free entry, food and drink coupons.
For the ones who apply themselfes get one of the eligible helper t-shirts. The requirements are as follows:

- You get a beer-team helper shirt if you do at least 2 cashier shifts or 3 beer team shifts
- An "Ordner" shirt is available if you simply do a shift.
- You get a "Vielhelfershirt" shirt if you do 2 Construction shifts or in total 3 shifts of any job type.
- A "night watch"-Shirt is available if you do one night shift over 6 hours or two night shifts less than 6 hours

Shifts that start on the last day of the festival or after are marked with a (P). This means that you can collect your payment (vouchers and shirts) beforehand at the info tent for a deposit of 20€.
If you show up for all your shifts, you will get your 20€ back after your last shift.

In case of any questions please do not hesitate to ask us. Contact:

Have fun at StuStuCulum (if not as a helper then as a visitor)
Your Helperteam

Tournament Registration


June 8, 2023

Personal data

This helps us estimating the food for our helpers.


Kulturleben in der Studentenstadt e.V.

Hans-Leipelt-Str. 7/10-47

80805 MünchenTelefon:

+49 89/ 32450127                                      

Email:              Internet:


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